Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Installation Design

Creating installers are cumbersome job if proper design is not properly laid out. Installers should be designed in such a way that they consume minimum of resources and time for the isntallation engineer to develop and deploy. The concept of re-usability is very important for installers development.

If the product can be sub-divided into components based on features or any other logical subgrouping based on their reusability, it becomes very easy for the end user and the instller developer.
InstallAnywhere provides various kinds of features to sub-group the architecture that can be shared across products and projects. Some of the common features are listed below

1. Developer Installation Manifests (a.k.a. DIM)
2. Merge modules (Sub-project that can be directly imported inside main project.)
3. Installer components,(gives the user what to install and what not)
4. Concept of suite installers

All the above listed if utilized properly results into a high quality installer, which is time and resource efficeient.

We can put a lot in Installer design discussion, I will be posting many more articles on this so stay tunned and keep visiting.

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