Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Building InstallAnywhere project from command line

Many of the enterprises have an automated build system, where builds happen without any manual intervention. Hence it becomes a requirement that all the components and isntallers are build from command line with the help of ANT or any DOS or shell scripts.
Building a InstallAnywhere project is very easy through command line. See the example below to build the project from command line.

Go to $IA_HOME directory through command line using CD command.
Now execute the following command
$>build.exe $IA_PROJECT_HOME\proj_nam.iap.xml

This command will build the project and the build output will be saved at $IA_PROJECT_HOME\BuildOutput folder. If you have checked the option to create web-installer, you will find install.htm file inside the buildoutput folder. Double click the html to start the installation process.

Feel free to put in your comments and feedback !


Unknown said...

I 'm able to build the project using build.exe once I create a project using the IDE. How to edit the project file without using IA IDE in the next instance?

Feras said...

Do you know How to license build.exe using the concurrent server. I tried build.exe -ls projectFile and build.exe projectFile -ls both didn't work.
